

Welcome to the East Kingdom Exchequer’s Website. The Kingdom Exchequer serves as treasurer for the East Kingdom. Here you will find forms and documents, reporting requirements for exchequers, and training aids, all for the purpose of assisting the Exchequers of the East Kingdom in performing their duties.

  • New Kingdom Profit Share Rules
    Starting January 1, 2024, all royal progress events will profit share with the kingdom. Per Kingdom law: ·         For events that report a net profit below $2,000, the local branch shall retain 100% of the net profit ·         For events that report a net profit between and including $2,000 and $3,000, the local branch shall retain 90% of the net profit, the other 10% being given to the East Kingdom. ·         For events that report a net profit above $3,000, the local branch…

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  • Reimbursement available for cleaning supplies
    Are you running an event?  Are you buying cleaning supplies?  Kingdom can help with the cost!  To help promote a safe and clean environment, East Kingdom is offering to reimburse groups up to $50 per event for the purchase of cleaning supplies.  Please send an email including receipts to exchequer@eastkingdom.org and seneschal@eastkingdom.org.