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New Kingdom Profit Share Rules

New Kingdom Profit Share Rules

Starting January 1, 2024, all royal progress events will profit share with the kingdom. Per Kingdom law:

·         For events that report a net profit below $2,000, the local branch shall retain 100% of the net profit

·         For events that report a net profit between and including $2,000 and $3,000, the local branch shall retain 90% of the net profit, the other 10% being given to the East Kingdom.

·         For events that report a net profit above $3,000, the local branch shall retain 80% of the net profit, the other 20% being given to the East Kingdom.

Starting July1, 2024 all Baronial Investitures are considered Kingdom events and the profit share is a 50%/50% split.

Please see the FAQ for the address to which to send profit share checks

Exchequer Training

Exchequer Training

The Society Exchequer, Bonnie Stringer, is offering introductory exchequer training to anybody who is interested. The meeting attendance is capped at 100 people; attendance is first come, first served. These trainings will be repeated in the future.

The training is in two parts, both are over Zoom, both are on Sunday, March 28th, and both are in the CENTRAL TIME ZONE. Meeting details are below:

Training Part 1

Topic: Exchequer training Part 1
Time: Mar 28, 2021 01:00 PM CENTRAL TIME (US and Canada)

Training Part 2

Topic: Exchequer training Part 2
Time: Mar 28, 2021 06:30 PM CENTRAL TIME (US and Canada)

Signing Documents

Signing Documents

When it comes to getting documents signed, you have a few options:

Sign and Mail

  1. Print the document.
  2. Sign it.
  3. Mail it to the next person.
  4. Mail it in after all the signing is complete.

Sign and Scan

  1. Print the document.
  2. Sign it.
  3. Scan it back in.
  4. Email it to the next signer.
  5. Email it in after all the signing is complete.

While many people have a printer, not everyone has a scanner.  Aside from simple cell phone pictures, I have found that Adobe has an app for both iOS and Android for scanning documents.  The name is Adobe Scan.  It is a free app, and it does not require a subscription to any Adobe applications.  It can take the photo, and you can adjust the photo for things like skewed edges after the fact.  I’ve also found it super handy for scanning receipts.

Adobe Sign

  • If you are comfortable using Adobe Sign, go right ahead and use it.
  • If you prefer, you can send the documents to Kingdom Exchequer to manage Adobe Sign:
  1. Create a PDF of the document.
  2. Send Kingdom Exchequer the PDF, and include a note about which people need to sign.  For each person, include:
    • Mundane name
    • SCA name
    • SCA member number
  3. Kingdom Exchequer will use Adobe Sign to send the document out to each person for electronic signatures. Signing is performed though Adobe Sign’s methods via email. Special software is not required.


For questions or assistance on any of these topics, please contact your Regional Deputy or the Kingdom Exchequer.

End of Year Reporting

End of Year Reporting

Please note that end of year reporting is due from every local group no later than 1/31/20. If you are having any issues with your reports, please reach out to your regional exchequers sooner rather than later. All financial warrants expire 2/15/20, and they will not be reinstated if end of year reports are not completed.