Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

* Get warranted. Fill out the Request for Warrant form. Soon after you fill out the form, you will be contacted by the Warrant Deputy Exchequer with information on how to upload your photo ID (front & back) 

* Get the local exchequer files. Get them as soon as possible. Get them now. Go through the records. Organize them to your liking or leave them organized as they are, but understand the method. If a financial review was not done prior to you taking office, arrange with your Regional Exchequer to have one done as soon as possible.

* Get on the bank account. Fill out the Bank Account Signatory Change Request Form. Depending on your bank, it may involve a trip in to a branch, but at the very least it will require a photocopy of your State or Federally issued ID card.

* Your Officer email address should already be on the Exchequer email list.

* Find the most recent completed report, and try to do a report for the same time period from the books. Compare what you did to the actual report. If it is different, find out why (what you missed, or what the filed report missed).

* Quarterly Reports are due as follows: April 30th (Q1, Jan, Feb, Mar), July 31st (Q2, Apr, May, June), October 31st (Q3, July, Aug, Sep), and January 31st (Q4/EOY, Oct, Nov, Dec). See Reporting Requirements for additional information.

* Keep in mind that files must be retained for a minimum of seven (7) years. For the year 2020, this means all of 2013 up to the present. As the year goes on, you will have seven-plus years of data.

Category: Local

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 Use Chapter 11, Handling Bad Debts which begins on page 93 and continues through to page 95.

Category: Local

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 Use the Bank Account Request Form

* All Branches or entities in the East Kingdom that collect and hold funds in the name of the SCA are required to use dual-signature checks.

* East Kingdom Financial Policy, section V. Financial Administration, A. Bank Accounts provides all relevant information with regard to who can and can not be named as signatories on the SCA Bank Accounts as well as any restrictions with regard to same.

* Royalty may not be a signer on any account for the duration of the Reign.

Category: Local

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